We see in the Bible that the believers in the early church were devoted to the word, to the fellowship, eating together, and praying together (Acts 2:42). Some refer to these four things as the PILLARS of the church.
And so the question is, as believers today, what are we supposed to be doing to practically fulfill those PILLARS on a daily/weekly basis?
“If your presence will not go with me, do not bring us up from here." (Exodus 33:15)
If God is not going before us then we don't want to go - that's a mindset and a heart that we want to have.
But we need to know where he's going. And how are we going to know where he's going if we don't gather together and learn to develop a prayer life so that we can hear him together?
We want to be a prophetic people. And what do we mean by being a prophetic people?
It means that we're a people who gather together to seek God, to hear what he has to say, so that we can go in that direction.
The purpose of Prayer Life is to give us the time and space to practice engaging with our Father and to honour the calling that he has on the Church.
Life Groups alternate weekly with Prayer Life meetings.
Check the events calendar to keep track of our special events and regular gatherings.
New Life Church
2244 Ash Ave, Quesnel, BC V2J 3X7